
" Connecting Talents into LOVE as MINE HEART HELPERS’ for Sustainable community development "

Welcome to the KEFA Foundation program, "Mine Talent development cooperative." We are a community of responsible and compassionate individuals committed to manifesting the potential of the Kingdom of Love as Mine Heart Helpers' Kingdom (MINE KINGDOM). By collaborating with our talents, gifts and businesses, we form a HELPERS' COMMUNITY that can reflect the KINGDOM OF GOD on Earth the Heart we stay.
Our mission is to witness Christ the King of Love by assembling nations intto love, upholding the values, and sharing the lifestyles of the Mine Kingdom. We aim to raise a generation of problem solvers, especially from vulnerable communities, by harnessing cooperative potential to develop problem-solving and life-saving charity projects which we cooperatively support in our mutual exchange of social and economic development goals using the resources we have as Mine talents.
Join us in "Connecting talents for sustainable community development" with MINE HEART FLAGS and help us make a lasting impact on the world.

Together we can make a difference.


Even the smallest contribution can change lives.

One less cup of coffee ($ 1) you share as you buy MINE FLAG / MINE HELPERS’ ITEM  to save a DONATION can mean a whole world to these vulnerable  children;

you can still donate in every second you Buy / sell MINE helpers' items TO share mine discount donations



 We believe that, “If we assemble our  communities together with LOVE to label our business with MINE FLAGS to become Mine Helpers businesses/items;  and do MINE Campaign to buy MINE ITEMS to save/share a DISCOUNT DONATION, we can resource all the needed help to support even the general cause like CHILD CARE CAUSE every week.

Our initiatives include child care support programs, talent development, skill training, and creative charity projects development aimed at empowering disadvantaged and vulnerable communities. Through programs such as Mine Smilez – Child care support, MINE TALENT EXPO- for God and my Country , NO GIRL DOWN – Restoring the respect of virtuous women with creativity, and MINE CREATIVE SCHOOL PROGRAM – Creative Head, Heart, and Hands-on skills training, we strive to nurture a generation of competent problem solvers and loving individuals.

Together, we can empower young people, support vulnerable communities, and create a brighter future for all.



Manifesting Mine heart helpers' Kingdom' potential to save lives

Our Belief in the Power of Love:
We firmly believe that through the power of love, we can overcome challenges and create a world free from various issues such as poverty, premature death, child abuse, drug abuse, sexual abuse, ignorance, illiteracy, gender violence, political instability, corruption, an unstable market, staggering economy, disease, poor health systems, poor family planning, environmental degradation, famine and drought, Hopelessness, spiritual principalities, generational curses, human resource abuse, terrorism attacks, covetousness, and disrespect for one another.
Join us in the Mine Heart Helpers Community, where love is not just a concept but a powerful force for positive change. Together, let's assemble nations with love and make a lasting impact on the world.

Mine Icon2

Assembling Nations to Love one another

Welcome to Mine Heart Helpers Mission – Assembling nations to love one another!
We are a love and worship Christian ministry of helps, dedicated to reflecting God’s love and uniting nations in love. Our vision is to end the end with LOVE, addressing the deep-rooted problems that afflict our communities, especially the vulnerable ones.

We are a family of members and community of leaders, a Mission born for KEFA FOUNDATION CREATIVE AGENCY,  A LOVE and WORSHIP CHRISTIAN MINISTRY OF HELPS and a talent development cooperative who embody the values of Having Enough Loving People Serving God (as HELPING) Every Laboring Pastor/Leader Succeed (HELPERS). By assembling nations and community members with love, we activate the talents of every willing helper, creating a beautiful and secure exchange of goals and values. This collective effort transforms wasted resources into enough support to facilitate charity project development in our community.

We believe that by cooperating and integrating our talents and businesses into one loving heart of God, we can urgently save desperate livelihoods and unlock the hidden potential of our cooperative helpers. Today, it might be me in need; tomorrow, it could be someone else. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all. Join us in this journey of love, cooperation, and impactful change.

We strive to witness our Lord Christ Jesus through our responsible and caring actions, aiming to raise a humble and God-fearing generation of problem solvers who will help bring an end to these pressing issues with love. Our commitment is to inspire hope, restore dignity, and transform lives through the transformative power of love.

So, to spread the message of loving one another, we have organized the Gospel Mission Assembly, known as MINE CHRONICLES OF SOUND, inspired by Jeremiah 4:5. We call upon individuals worldwide with loving and helping hearts to become Mine Heart Helpers, accepting the responsibility to provide generous solutions instead of running from problems with excuses.



To facilitate our mission, LOVE 7 WORSHIP CHRISTIAN MINISTRY OF HELPS have committed to incorporated KEFA FOUNDATION PROGRAM LTD, as a helpers’ creative agency and as a member development organization among other members organizations  to conduct proper analysis, developing secure applicable community development solutions
(life-saving plans), seek and develop  and excute   Gospel Charity fundraising campaign resources, as well as overseeing the proper management of robust solutions.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
Mine heart helpers needdWorldwide
0 K+
Children registered for Help
0 +
Funds needed @ month
$ 0 M+
Food to Provide @ week
0 T

Saving Lives as fundraising through Creative Advertising and Marketing for our sponsors and donors (MINE HEART HELPERS). Just Buy MINE HELPERS ITEMS to SAVE A DONATION for charity (Community) projects development support